The All-Powerful Memory Hole Machine (09/30/24)

Here we are, six weeks before the most consequential election in our lifetimes. The American public is offered the choice between the battle-scared and almost-assassinated Donald Trump, the America-First, pro-capitalism, pro-growth, pro-American worker former president whose governing style is well known, who left a luxurious lifestyle and lost over a billion dollars in personal wealth in his quixotic quest to rescue this country from the insanity of the Left, versus Kamala Harris; an archetypical San Francisco liberal, who was installed in a palace coup to oust the primary-winning, but secretly demented, President Joe Biden. Vice President Harris, who never had to go through the primary process to articulate her far Left and quasi-Marxist positions, was not required to earn one primary vote. Kamala Harris’ lifelong views are so extreme that they cannot be recited in public. Due to her refusal to explain her shift to the center (“flip-flopping”) on many of the major issues of the day, what Ms. Harris would advocate should she be elected president remains an enigma. On NBC’s Meet the Press, Bernie Sanders candidly admitted, on the issue of Harris’ flip-flopping that “No, I don’t think she’s abandoning her ideals, I think she’s trying to be pragmatic and doing what she thinks is right in order to win the election.” In other words, she’s lying!

Indeed, this most cynical of campaigns has followed the tactic of not having the sitting vice-president sit for actual press conferences (“she’s just too busy”), but instead exposing her in carefully controlled, scripted, only friendly venues, in which Kamala Harris recites memorized but empty platitudes encased in rambling “word salads” that never answer the few, actual policy questions that might slip past the totalitarian, ever vigilant All-Powerful, Democratic Party Machine. The September 10th ABC “debate”, the follow-up interview on a local Philadelphia ABC affiliate, the star-studded, but disastrous, Oprah Extravaganza and the vacuous MSNBC interview with Stephanie Ruhle (who admitted that Kamala did not answer any of her questions), are the most recent examples in which Harris resorted to the same, memorized, rambling answers to basic questions such as “how you would fix the economy” (“I was raised in a middle-class neighborhood in which my neighbors were very proud of their lawns”, etc.), or by creating an “opportunity economy” (whatever that means), as if she was reciting from some memory chip that was inserted in her brain!

This cynical strategy is being pursued in the hope that her vague promises of “joy” (what “joy?”) will flim-flam enough of the low-information voters, that will cast their ballots to supplement the regular Democratic voting base to allow her to slip into the White House! So far this tactic, at the minute, which is akin to an advertising campaign to market a new brand of toothpaste, seems to be working!

The combination of the Democratic Party and the Washington “Deep State”, along with most of the Super-Woke Media, Big Tech, academia and major corporations, Hollywood and the elite, globalist, rich “ruling class”, are all invested in having an individual like Kamala Harris, whose views are simpatico with their own, but also someone they can control when necessary, to be installed to serve largely as a ceremonial president, like Joe Biden before her, while unknown and unelected forces are actually running the country who, if given the chance, will pursue radical policies such as: ramping-up the flooding of the country with foreign “migrants” to work for half the wages of American workers and then become reliable Democratic voters in the coming creation of a dictatorial, One-Party state. Alternatively, this cabal will force manufacturing jobs to be transferred overseas to be produced by even cheaper labor, while the Southern border is permanently erased and ceded to the Mexican cartels and their Chinese suppliers, who will continue to flood the country with Fentanyl to anesthetize and poison the native-born and now-unemployed working class.

These forces will also advocate continuing to trample the Constitution by criminalizing political dissent by “lawfare”; further the creeping totalitarian censorship and eroding of the First Amendment; abolishing minority rights in the Senate by ending the filibuster with Harris’ rationale of resurrecting Roe v. Wade; abolishing the independence of the Supreme Court by “court packing” thus ending the 155-year, nine-justice Court, and in altering the balance of the Senate by admitting Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia as a “state”, thus adding four more reliable Democratic votes. Most ominously, these Unknowns could potentially send your boys and girls off to war, a war that increasingly could become nuclear!

Less Big Tech and Hollywood, the combination of a dominant, totalitarian political party, in lockstep with media, academia, the military, big corporations and the ruling class was forged in Italy in the 1920s by Benito Mussolini. It was labeled “Fascism.” How different is that party from the Democratic Party of today? Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has said that neither his father nor his uncle would recognize what has become of the Democratic Party, a party that allows no dissent; a party that is now controlled and represents the super-rich and super-privileged, rather than the American worker. (That mantle now rests with Trump’s GOP!) And this is the Democratic Party that is attempting to save “Our Democracy?” TM (Translation: “to preserve our power”)

This All-Powerful Machine so controls the narrative now days, that it is a wonder that the GOP can ever win the White House! In recent years, the new phenomenon of “The Memory Hole” has been employed by the Machine to non-report, under-report and ultimately even attempt to erase from the national memory, any news or event that may somehow seem to be unfavorable to the Democratic Party or its candidates. The following are just partial examples of news or events that the All-Powerful Memory Hole Machine has attempted to shove down the Memory Hole, to be denied the consideration by the American electorate:

The fact that the President Biden was mentally impaired when he was elected in 2020, a fact that was hidden by the COVID-era “basement strategy” and whose dementia has exponentially increased throughout his term. Until his impairment was laid-bare in the June 27th “debate” with Donald Trump, all of the usual suspects, up to that very day, kept stating that Biden “was sharp as a tack”, glossing-over his obvious impairment and the fact that he has spent an estimated 40% of his presidency on vacation. That situation raised the obvious question, “who is actually running the country?” The foremost accomplice to what can be characterized as the greatest political fraud in American political history, is Biden’s vice-president Kamala Harris, who boasted of having lunch with Biden twice a week and kept praising Biden for his sharpness and his steady hand on the tiller.

The fact that despite Kamala Harris’ attempts to characterize herself as the challenger rather that the incumbent in her campaign against Donald Trump, that Harris as the President of the Senate, cast the tie-breaking vote on both the multi-trillion-dollar American Rescue Plan and the Inflation “Reduction” Act, which fueled the massive inflation of “Bidenomics”. Inflation was 1.6% at the end of Trump’s term; it rose to over 9% under the Biden-Harris administration (over 20% for essentials) and at 3.4%, is still more than double of what inflation was at the end of Trump’s term, despite the COVID pandemic. Additionally, interest rates have skyrocketed by 152% under the Biden administration, making purchasing a home unassailable to most young citizens. Kamala Harris’ involvement in the policies of the administration was further amplified by Joe Biden stating on “The View” that Kamala Harris was instrumental in every policy decision that has been made over the last 3 1/2 years, and by her own comments, that she “was always the last person in the room.”

Despite the propaganda of her campaign, aided by most of the Media, Kamala Harris is the incumbent candidate while Donald Trump is the “candidate for change!” Over two-thirds of voters polled have stated that America is “on the wrong track.” Perhaps due to a Freudian slip, Harris stated the other day that “the American Dream is elusive for far too many.” Perhaps due t0 the decisions of y0ur administration?

The fact that Kamala Harris has also bragged that she was “the last person in the room” in the planning and execution of the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, which needlessly caused the death of 13 American soldiers and hundreds of Afghans at AbbeyGate and maimed, with many amputations, scores of more American troops. Additionally, this withdrawal, without notice to our NATO allies, left hundreds of American passport holders and Afghans who aided the 20-year U.S. presence to the mercy of the Taliban (you don’t withdraw the military first leaving civilians to their own devices!), abandoned the highly strategically located Bagram Air Base (which at the minimum, should have been the situs of the airlift, not the airport in downtown Kabul), and gifted the Taliban regime with $88 billion dollars of the finest American military hardware; the fourth-largest stock in the world, leaving Afghanistan with so much excess that it is the largest supplier of arms to terror groups in the world! After 20 years, Afghanistan is once again a haven for Al-Queda, ISIS and other terror organizations. The decision to carry out this sudden, poorly planned, chaotic and deadly exit was, by Biden’s own admission, a political move to withdraw from Afghanistan by the twentieth anniversary of the 9-11 attack!! Kamala Harris has stated that she is “proud” of this withdrawal from Afghanistan.

The fact that Joseph Biden’s withdrawal from the ticket, following his debate with Donald Trump, was portrayed as a willing, noble sacrifice on his part. When Biden’s dementia was obvious to all but the politically blind to see, the supposed willing decision by President Biden to remove himself from the ticket and be replaced by Kamala Harris (despite the fact that Biden received over 14,000,000 primary votes to Harris’ none), was characterized by the likes of Nancy Pelosi and others as a sacrifice in which Joseph Biden put the country ahead of himself and whose likeness should be added to Mt. Rushmore; akin to George Washington declining to run for a third term! As Biden would have said, this myth was utter malarky, as he resisted for weeks to be ousted from the ticket and only withdrew from the ticket when threatened to be removed, in a coup, by the 25th Amendment. And under that Amendment, which constitutional officer would be the driving force to remove an impaired president? None other than the vice-president: in this case, Kamala Harris!

The fact that Kamala Harris was the designated “Border Czar” and under her watch, an estimated 21,000,000 “migrants” (illegal aliens) have flooded the country by being allowed entry at designated crossing points, sneaking into the country as “gotaways”, or by being flown in, usually in the middle of the night, courtesy of the Biden-Harris administration. Most of these individuals have entered the country via the notorious Mexican cartels that have made millions of dollars in trafficking these people, thousands of which have died in the process and the women raped, or being forced into prostitution as sex slaves. Others have been utilized for drug smuggling, all to pay back debts owed to the cartels. Many of the children, often drugged, usually escorted by persons who falsely claim that they are a parent in order to get entry into the country, have been forced into illegal child labor or into child prostitution. The Biden Administration has recently admitted that 325,000 children, those of which they have records for, have gone missing!! It would not be an exaggeration to say that slavery in this country is currently at a highest level than at any time since the end of the Civil War!

The past of most of these migrants remain unvetted; many of which were citizens from some of the more than 180 countries that have crossed our borders that have poor, or no, record keeping; others are enemies of the United States who will not provide the histories of these people. Do they have criminal records, are they deviants or are they mentally unstable? Are some of these border crossers terrorists that have been slipped into the United States from countries like Afghanistan, Iran, etc., waiting for the “go signal” to launch a new 9-11-like attack? Others, with more pure motives, have arrived for work, which under the law is not a valid purpose for entry into the United States (most of the world would come!). They have been instructed by the cartels or NGOs, to make spurious claims of “asylum” by stating that they are fleeing their respective countries in fear of political or religious persecution, gang violence, etc., anything but trying to find a job! They are given Notices to Appear in the immigration courts to review their asylum claims, with dates that are seven, eight or nine years in the future! Most will never appear. Why should they? Reports have surfaced that many migrants are attempting to register to vote in the presidential election, despite their status as non-citizens. Other reports have stated that the Biden administration is handling a record number of naturalization applications in the weeks leading up to the election. Are these just coincidences?

In the meantime, the entry of foreign criminal gangs such as the Venezuelan Tren de Aragua and MS-13, have set up shop all across the country and are conducting major crime waves in American cities, almost all of which are Democratic-controlled “sanctuary cities” in which the foreign status of these criminals is not reported to federal authorities. It is a fact that the crime rate in Venezuela has drastically decreased over the last couple of years, as the Nicholas Maduro regime has emptied its prisons and mental institutions and “exported” its criminals and mentally imbalanced to America! This infestation of foreign crime has made such an impact that news has recently been reported that “traditional” black street gangs in Chicago are so incensed that the “migrant gangs” are invading their turf that an all-out war with them is imminent! At the same time, many innocent American citizens have been murdered and/or raped by these foreign criminals (remember Laken Riley, Rachel Morin, Jocelyn Nungaray?) or assaulted and robbed; whole neighborhoods have been taken over by them; children have been sexually assaulted by these monsters (most recently in Nantucket) and others have been killed in traffic accidents by individuals who don’t understand U.S. traffic laws (Springfield, Ohio). The claims of Haitians eating cats and dogs, and the ducks, geese and swans swimming in the park lakes of Springfield, remain in controversy!

Kamala Harris has now made a trip to the Southern border, for the first time in three years, to have a photo-op staged, and spoke on how she is committed to becoming “tough” on the border as being a former district attorney and attorney general, who prosecuted trans-national criminal organizations! (No record has yet to be found that Harris ever prosecuted a case in a court of law). On the same day, someone; perhaps a whistleblower, from the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (I.C.E.), released a memo that detailed the startling statistic that a total of 425,431 previously convicted migrant criminals have entered the United States and that the Biden-Harris Administration’s policy, astoundingly, was not to detain any of these criminals, but to allow them to be released, without any monitoring or supervision, to roam the streets of the country, with “Notices to Appear” before immigration courts far into the future!! Of that figure of 425,431 convicted criminals, 13,099 had been previously convicted of homicide, 15,811 had been previously convicted of sexual assault, 2,521 had been previously convicted of kidnapping and 350 were affiliated with known terrorist organizations! These statistics only account for the ones for which the administration has records for; it does not account for the unknown “gotaways!” This revelation flies in the face of the repeated lies by Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Alexander Mayorkas over the years that “the border is secure.” Secure for whom, the cartels???

President Trump has said that this “criminal invasion” that has been allowed into the country under Kamala Harris’ watch as Border Czar, should disqualify her from now seeking a promotion to become president of the United States; instead she should immediately resign! Will the Media report these statistics or suppress this data until after the election?

The Biden-Harris administration has all but ended deportations. It has prohibited the beleaguered Border Patrol from enforcing immigration law (after Harris defamed them in the “whipping” hoax), instead turning the agency instead into welcoming bureaucrats. Kamala Harris has stated that she intends to “re-imagine” I.C.E, which under Woke-Speak means “abolish”. She had previously slandered I.C.E. as akin to the “white supremacy KKK”. Under Harris’ regime, there will be little, if any, enforcement of immigration laws. She has claimed that, despite evidence to the contrary, she was never the “Border Czar” but was instead tasked with “studying the root causes of immigration” into the United States. H0w about this for an answer, Kamala: “everyone wants to live in the United States, the richest and most free country in the world, a country that will provide an excellent chance for employment, decent housing and further provide for free healthcare, free education, free welfare . . . and free sex change operations for migrants???”

The healthcare apparatus in general and hospitals in particular are on the verge of collapse in treating the flood of migrants without insurance, many of whom have tuberculosis; others have been diagnosed with rare, tropical diseases; even the plague! Similarly, schools throughout the country are overwhelmed by a massive influx of children that do not speak English. Biden’s Labor Department recently came out with a statistic that half of the jobs reported in the prior quarter were taken by (illegal) migrants – no doubt at far lesser wages! Why wouldn’t the “Ruling Class” back Ms. Harris?

Kamala Harris has argued that the catastrophe at the border was caused, and was only caused, by Donald Trump ordering the “Bipartisan” Immigration Bill to be blocked in the Senate. (In actuality, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska was the only Republican senator to vote to move the Bill out of Committee; even the Bill’s original GOP sponsor, James Lankford of Oklahoma, voted against it.) While the Bill did provide funding for more Border Patrol agents (to serve as additional receptionists?), it would have handcuffed a president’s inherent power to close the border under existing law, by mandating that no less than 5,000 migrants would by right, be allowed to enter the country on a daily basis and added many loopholes to allow additional daily entries. At the minimum, this “poison pill” Bill would have codified the entry by law, of 2,000,000 new migrants into the country on an annual basis!

The fact that the two assassination attempts against Donald Trump have been downplayed by most of the Media, as incendiary comments against Trump by Democrat politicians and Media functionaries; many that may be construed as inciting his assassination, continue unabated! The first assassination attempt in Butler, Pennsylvania, on live T.V., in which Trump was shot in the ear and escaped death by 1/4th of an inch (!), was almost immediately minimized by most of the Media as a “nothing to see here” event; some fanatics even claimed that the event was “staged” – though Trump supporter Corey Comperatore was murdered behind Trump and two others were gravely wounded but survived. Others mused that Trump was merely wounded by shrapnel rather than being shot – even FBI director Christopher Wray made this claim without evidence! The iconic image of a bloody Donald Trump being lifted up by Secret Service agents under an American flag was attempted to be erased by the Big Tech overlords to no avail. As the wounded Trump was raised from the stage, his immediate reaction was to pump his fist and cry “Fight! Fight! Fight!” to the roaring crowd, which even Mark Zuckerberg exclaimed was “one of the most badass things I have ever seen in my life!” The shooter, 19-year-old Matthew Thomas Crooks was immediately taken out by counter-snipers and left little record of his motivation, other than a history of studying past assassinations and three, as yet unlocked, foreign websites on his cell phone.

The second assassination attempt occurred only nine weeks later, in which Ryan Wesley Routh laid in wait for Trump at the 6th hole of the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida. Thankfully, a Secret Service agent spotted the barrel of his rifle from among the shrubbery. Routh was apprehended after a car chase and unlike Crooks, provided much evidence of his intentions. A fanatic supporter of Ukraine who had traveled there and to other foreign destinations in a scheme to attempt to enlist Afghans to fight for Ukraine, Routh had left a letter to a female friend in a sealed box, addressed “To the World”, in which he declared that “this was an assassination attempt on Donald Trump, but I failed you. I tried my best and gave it all the gumption I could muster. It is up to you now to finish the job; and I will offer $150,000.00 to whomever can complete the job.” In light of the fact that Routh had only $68.00 dollars in his bank account, what group or nation was funding Routh’s foreign travel and supposedly staked this alleged $150,000.00 bounty on Trump’s head?? Was Ryan Routh’s motivations based on Donald Trump’s position upon his election to curtail the transfer of billions of dollars that have been sent to Ukraine to date and to try to end the war with a negotiated peace? Or was Routh’s intentions due to some other political motivation based on the heated rhetoric of this election season?

It is no secret that the central strategy of the Democrats in this election season has been and continues to be, to dehumanize Donald Trump, to constantly harp that he is a threat to “Our Democracy” TM, will become “a dictator on day one” and must be stopped by any means. Even after the second assassination attempt, Representative Dan Goldman of New York stated that Trump “must be eliminated.” Thereafter, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo declared that Trump “must be extinguished.” Was Ryan Routh motivated by these constant statements that can be construed as inciting violence against Donald Trump? These constant inflammatory comments by Democrat politicians and their Media allies have not been criticized by the Machine and this second assassination attempt like the first, is being downplayed and soon will disappear down the Memory Hole, as will be Routh’s violent anti-Trump and pro-Democrat rantings, as if attempted presidential assassinations are a common event in America. Subsequently, it has been revealed that Iran has now ordered the assassination of Donald Trump for his order taking out Iranian terrorist commander Qasem Solamani in 2020! Finally, with the microscope on the Secret Service, the agency is forced to take Mr. Trump’s security more seriously!

That the Media has failed to pin Kamala Harris down on the inane and uninformed economic theories that she espouses, though they occasionally leak out from her determined strategy to not directly answer any questions. Her far-Left theories will most likely crash the stock market, gut your 401(k) accounts, cause increased inflation and shortages of goods, and cause a depression. The raising of her trial-balloon on imposing price controls on groceries was promptly taken back (until after her election?). Soviet-style price controls have never worked anywhere and only cause an increase in inflation and a shortage of goods, as manufacturers cease producing goods for which they would take a loss. The famous image of people lined up around the block to enter a grocery store on a snowy Moscow street in the 1980s, waiting to be handed one tangerine, could be a harbinger of America’s future in a Harris administration! The simple fact is that the grocery industry has one of the slimmest profit margins in the U.S. economy – between 1 and 2%, and would be decimated under Harris’ plan.

Her plan to give first-time home buyers a $25,000.00 stipend, while inflationary, would immediately raise the value of the home market by $25,000.00! Her plan to increase the corporate tax rate from the currently competitive rate of 21% to 28% will cause corporations to leave the country, and leave the workers that they employ, to countries that have lower tax rates, such as Ireland. Her plan to let the Trump tax cuts expire in 2025 will greatly raise taxes for everybody; those tax cuts most benefited taxpayers making $50,000 to $100,000.00 a year, not the “millionaires and billionaires!” And the biggest whopper of all of Kamala’s ideas is the notion to tax “unrealized income.” For example, assume that your retirement IRA had a gain of $50,000.00 during a calendar year, but no money was cashed out by you during the year. Under Kamala, you would be taxed for this unrealized income, though not one penny made it into your pocket! The disastrous effects of this idea on the American economy in incalculable!

The fact that Kamala Harris is woefully unprepared to be commander-in-chief or to negotiate with the leaders of the great powers, who through their respective systems, whether good or evil, have risen to the top due to their intelligence, cunning or deadly ruthlessness. As the World is currently on fire due to the lack of leadership of the current administration, can you imagine Kamala Harris dealing with Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong Un or the Mullahs of Iran? During the infamous ABC debate, the untested Kamala Harris claimed that the likes of Putin, Xi or Kim would “eat Donald Trump for lunch!” Well, if memory serves me right, no wars broke out during Donald Trump’s presidency as he stared down those despots! Vladimir Putin probably said it best, when he stated that he’s for Kamala Harris as he is enamored by her “infectious laugh!” Need anything else be said?

That the lies that Kamala Harris made in the ABC debate, by her Media allies or in her commercials are never fact-checked by most of the Media. The Russian Collusion hoax was a lie and the Steele dossier hoax was a lie, yet the Hunter Laptop was genuine! Donald Trump is not for a national abortion ban; he has stated repeatedly that with the overturning of Roe v. Wade, the issue has been returned to be voted on by the people in respective states rather than by judicial fiat. Donald Trump is not for banning I.V.F. fertility treatments, he is for such procedures and is for increasing the American birthrate. D0nald Trump did not state that there were “fine people on both sides” that participated in the Charlottesville, Virginia riot; he was referring to the issue of pulling down historical statues. Donald Trump did not state there would be a “bloodbath” should he not be elected; he was referring to the effects on the auto industry should Harris’ E.V. mandates be put into force. Donald Trump did not recommend injecting bleach to fight COVID. Donald Trump was called a “criminal” by Kamala Harris but that label will be short-lived, as his New York show-trial conviction will be reversed on appeal due to numerous constitutional violations, the most egregious being that the identity of the actual felony statute that Trump was charged with, which allowed the prosecution to take place long after the tolling of the statute of limitations, was not revealed by the prosecution to the jury (or to Trump’s defense), until after his defense had rested and was not be allowed to address the jury again! True Soviet-style tactics!

Conversely, the truths that Kamala Harris does favor, remained unexplored by the Machine. Kamala Harris supports tax-funded sex change operations for illegal immigrants. Kamala Harris supports abortion up to the moment of birth, which is truly infanticide. Kamala Harris supports “gender reassignment care” for minors without parental notification, which currently is the law in Minnesota, the state in which the governor is her running mate, Tim Walz. Kamala Harris supports mandatory gun confiscation. Kamala Harris supports biological males to compete with women in sports. Kamala Harris supports censorship, limitation of free speech and the prosecution of political opponents. Kamala Harris supports the end to all deportations, as a video was recently discovered that had Harris, along with of all people Jussie Smollett, chanting in a rally “down, down with deportation, up, up with education.” And, after the devastation that Hurricane Ian wrought on Southwest Florida in August 2022, Vice President Harris made the outrageous statement that black victims of the hurricane should be served first by FEMA, based solely on their race!

All of these lies and all of these truths, are being shoved down the All-Powerful Memory Hole Machine in favor of Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party!

This most crucial election is November 5, 2024. Let us hope and pray that enough thinking Americans (and only Americans) will sort out the truths from the lies, ignore the propaganda of the Machine and vote for Donald J. Trump and outnumber those voters who have gotten so vacuous and insipid due to the smartphone, TikTok, D.E.I., leftist education or on the single issue of abortion (which is no longer a federal issue anyway), that will cast their votes for the totally unqualified, anti-constitutional, evasive and untruthful Kamala Harris, the most radical major party candidate in American history!

-The Chicago Patriot